IT Buongiorno dolcezze! Siete state invitate ad una festa e non sapete cosa indossare per distinguervi ma sentirvi allo stesso tempo comode e femminili? Problema risolto!
Io in occasione di un party molto glamour tenutosi in un ristorante vicino alla spiaggia ho indossato un vestitino molto fresco, dallo stile ‘bon-ton’ come piace a me. E’ un modello super femminile che evidenzia il punto vita, lungo fino al ginocchio per un effetto ‘vedo/non vedo’ e dalla stampa ‘sfiziosa’. E’ un capo molto versatile… Da indossare di giorno per un brunch se abbinate delle scarpe basse oppure di sera con un bel paio di décolleté come le mie!
…e gli accessori? Vi consiglio di scegliere qualcosa di particolare ma sobrio poichè è l’abito il protagonista!
Spero vi piaccia… E ricordate semplicità anche nel trucco, enfatizzate sempre o la bocca o lo sguardo mai tutti e due insieme. Uno chignon, una riga di eye liner ed un rossetto deciso faranno la differenza oppure uno smoky eyes con un lucidalabbra e sarete perfette!
Vi auguro una buona giornata…

EN ‘Morning sweeties! Have you been invited to a party and you don’t know what to wear to feel different but at the same time comfortable and feminine? Problem solved.
Personally for a very glamour party at a restaurant closed to the beach I wore a very fresh dress, with a ‘bon-ton’ style as I like. It’s a very feminine model that emphasizes the waistline, long ‘til the knee for a ‘peek-a-boo’ effect and with a delicious print. It’ a very versatile item… to wear during the day for a brunch if you match it with a pair of flat shoes or during the night with a really nice pair of décolleté like mines!
…what about accessories? I recommend you to choose something particular but sober because it’s the dress the protagonist!
I hope you like it… And remember, be simple also with the make-up, emphasize always your mouth or the glaze, never both of them. A chignon, a line of eye liner and an intense lipstick will make the difference or a smoky eyes with a touch of gloss and you’ll be perfect!
I wish you a nice day…

ES Buenos días queridas! Habéis sido invitadas a una fiesta y no sabéis que poner para ser diferentes pero al mismo tiempo ser cómodas y femeninas? Problema resuelto!
Yo en ocasión de una fiesta muy glamour en un restaurante que estaba cerca de la playa puse un vestido muy fresco, con un estilo ‘bon-ton’ como a mi me gusta. Es un modelo súper femenino que evidencia el talle, largo sino a la rodilla para un efecto ‘veo/no veo’ con una estampa deliciosa. Es un vestido muy versátil… Para poner de día durante un brunch si lo ponéis con bailarinas o por la noche con zapatos décolleté como las mías!
…y los accesorios? Os aconsejo de elegir algo particular pero sobrio porque es el vestido el protagonista verdadero!
Espero que os guste… Y recordáis la simplicidad también en el maquillaje, ponéis la atención siempre sobre la boca o la mirada pero no los dos todos juntos. Uno chignon, una linea de eye liner y un pintalabio intenso y harán la diferencia o eligeis uno smoky eyes con un gloss y vais a ser perfectas!
Os deseo un buen día…





outfit-coco-audry-bon-ton-fashion-blogger   outfit-coco-audry-bon-ton-fashion-blogger





Dress: Rosewe | Heels From Sarenza | Sunglasses and Bag: Chanel | Bracelets and ring by Michael KorsCredits for Traslations Laura

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                                                         Here you go my others outfit. What do you like?
                                                                                    LOVELY OUTFIT
                                                                              MONTECARLO OUTFIT
                                                                                   BLU AND YELLOW
                                                                                   EMERALD COLOR
                                                                                       VESPA TRIP

                                                                              Follow my adventures
                                                             Follow me on Instagram => @zagufashion


  1. Beautiful dress 🙂 I saw all your posts but I had problem with comments I dont know why 🙁 You look great 😀

  2. Hello from Spain: Hello from Spain: in the previous post I could not write a message on the blog. Yes I see that now. I really like your dress. You're very smart. Great shoes. Nice pictures. Keep in touch

  3. whenever i have a party to go to i always dont know what to wear to look feminine and still confortable<br />loved your dress<br />its preet , stylish and looks very comfortable , basically all a girl wants<br />Keep in touch<br /><br />

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