3d look must have

Avete un incontro improvviso, un brunch con gli amici, un aperitivo o semplicemente volete apparire fashion ma casual allo stesso tempo? Ecco l’outfit che fa per voi. Io l’ho scelto come uno dei look per la Settimana della Moda di Milano.
Ho voluto giocare con la sobrietà e l’originalità, con la praticità e l’eleganza! Protagonista è senza dubbio la giacca bicolor di Seventy (a proposito… andate a dare un’occhiata alle loro collezioni nel flagship store in via Manzoni 46 a Milano). Il mio look è reso molto casual dai pantaloni e un maglioncino total black uniti alle super fashion Stan Smith le scarpe utilizzate ormai per ogni tipo di outfit. Beh, non poteva mancare il tocco elegante! Che ne dite della mia bellissima mini-bag di Pomikaki? Io la trovo deliziosa, pratica e molto glamour. È adatta davvero per ogni look che desiderate creare e posso dirvi che la sto utilizzando spesso! Zaguline, vi piace il mio outfit? Cosa ne pensate? Non vedo l’ora di leggere i vostri commenti!

EN Do you have an unexpected meeting, a brunch with friends, an aperitif or simply you want to be fashion but casual at the same time? Here you go the ideal outfit. I’ve chosen it as one of the outfits for the Milan Fashion Week.
I wanted to play with sobriety and originality, with practice and elegance! Protagonist is without any doubt the Jacket by Seventy (let’s have a look to their collections at the flagship store in Via Manzoni 46 in Milan). My look is made very casual thanks to the total black pants and jersey matched with the super fashion Stan Smith, the shoes used now for each outfit! Well, it couldn’t miss the elegant touch! What do you think about my beautiful mini-bag by Pomikaki? I think it’s delicious, handy and very glamour. It’s ideal for each kind of look you want to create and I can tell you that I’m using it very often! Zaguline, do you like my outfit? What do you think? I can’t wait to read your comments!

ES Tenéis un encuentro improviso, un brunch con los amigos, un aperitivo o simplemente queréis ser fashion pero casual al mismo tiempo? Aquí tenéis el outfit ideal. Yo lo he elegido como uno de los outfits para la Semana de la Moda milanés.
Quise jugar con la sobriedad y la originalidad, con la practicidad y la elegancia! Protagonista es sin duda la chaqueta de Seventy (vais a echar un vistazo a sus colecciones en el flagship store en Vía Manzoni 46 en Milán). Mi look es hecho muy casual gracias a los pantalones y el jersey total Black unidos a las súper fashion Stan Smith los zapatos que ahora están utilizados en cualquier tipo de outfit! Pues no pudiera faltar el toque elegante! Que os parece de mi guapísima mini-bag de Pomikaki? Yo creo que es deliciosa, práctica y muy glamour. Es adapta de verdad para cada look que queréis crear y os puedo decir que la estoy utilizando muy a menudo!
Zaguline, os gusta mi outfit? Que os pensáis? No puedo esperar de leer vuestros comentarios!outfit-street-style-valentina-coco-fashion-influencer-milan-seventy-pomikaki-mfwoutfit-street-style-valentina-coco-fashion-influencer-milan-seventyoutfit-street-style-valentina-coco-fashion-influencer-seventy-pomikaki.outfit-street-style-valentina-coco-fashion-influencer-milan-seventy-stan-smith  outfit-street-style-valentina-coco-fashion-influencer-milan-seventy-bloggeroutfit-street-style-valentina-coco-fashion-influencer-carrera-seventy-pomikaki.


Sneakers: Stan Smith from Sarenza.it | Jacket: Seventy S/S15 | Pant: Zara | Bag: Pomikaki | Sunglasses: Carrera | Ring: Michael Kors | Necklace: Ottaviani

                                                         Here you go my others outfit. What do you like?
                                                                                    LOVELY OUTFIT
                                                                              MONTECARLO OUTFIT
                                                                                   BLU AND YELLOW
                                                                                   EMERALD COLOR
                                                                                       VESPA TRIP

                                                                              Follow my adventures
                                                             Follow me on Instagram => @zagufashion


  1. great style i love the coat! This is not a classic black and white combination, and i like it i would say it’s very elegant even if you wear sneakers witch is amazing, you can walk all day long and look so elegant big like :))
    kisses Isidora https://highheelpoodl.blogspot.com/

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